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yuto shigematsuさんはInstagramを利用しています:「簡易版編みおろし 前回アップしたスタイルのプロセス(^ν^) ①トップをざっくり取分けて三つ編み ②耳前の余った髪をロープ編みして先ほどの三つ編み付近でとめる ③反対側も同様 ④余った髪を3等分して三つ編み ⑤④で作った三つ編みを更に三つ編み はい簡単(^ν^)…」
20 Long Wedding Hairstyles and Updos from mpobedinskaya | Deer Pearl Flowers
Long half up half down wedding hairstyles from mpobedinskaya #wedding #weddings #weddinghairstyles #weddingideas #deerpearlflowers
57 Gorgeous Wedding Hairstyles For A Gorgeous Rustic Barn Wedding
If you are a bride to be and a bit confused on what hairstyle you should go for on your wedding day, then fret no more, We have here some lovely wedding hairstyles for who’re getting married in a barn.
Så gör du en bohemisk fuskfläta på 5 minuter
This bohemian-chic faux braid takes almost no time at all and is so easy to do! All you need is some mini elastics and up to five minutes to spare.