
22 Pins
40+ Brilliant Ways To Reuse And Recycle Old Tires
Furniture Blueprints
Outdoor Handmade Custom Rocking Horses!!! If you want some made please email for a custom quote!
DIY Recycled Old Tire Furniture Ideas & Projects for Home
DIY Tire See Saw Rocking Chair Instructions Video - DIY Old Tire Furniture Ideas
Tire see saw...... made from an old tire, pine wood board, play gym handles and some spray foam to fill in tire.(did not want any snakes getting comfy inside the tire). Painted everything then sprayed some clear enamel spray paint to protect it. Although I don't think I like the foam- it doesn't seem to rock as good as it did without it. Found the idea here:
How to Make a Tire Rocker: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
How to Make a Tire Rocker -- via
Build a Repurposed Tire Seesaw in 7 Fun Steps – DIY projects for everyone!
Build your kids their very own tire seesaw! This DIY project is a very great alternative to the usual, metal seesaws you can buy. A tire teeter totter is light and movable so that you can easily relocate it if you need to! It can also be customised to suit your child's personality. What's not to love? Do you know anyone who would love this idea, too? :)
Rocking horse made with a tire! Husband and I made this for the grand kid...
Черная кошка из авто покрышки
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Handmade: Шинный креатив. Что можно сделать из старых покрышек.
Handmade: Шинный креатив. Что можно сделать из старых покрышек. | Барановичи. Intex-press - Новости Барановичского региона