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These 4 ingredient chocolate date & nut bars are a dream to make. Simply blend and refrigerate.
Ingredients: 12 large medjool dates, pitted 1/2 cup peanut or almond butter 3 tbsp raw cacao powder 2 cups mixed nuts, chopped 1️⃣ Add the dates and nut butter to a food processor and blend until it forms a sticky ball. It should be really soft and sticky but if it doesn’t seem sticky enough then add 1-2 tbsp of water and blend again. Will depend on the softness of your dates and how runny your nut butter is.
Carpaccio di polpo: tutti i trucchetti per renderlo perfetto!
Ma quanto è buono il carpaccio di polpo! Prepararlo è molto semplice e vi svelerò tutti i trucchetti per renderlo perfetto! Una speciale e profumata salsa a base di olio, limone e prezzemolo sarà il condimento perfetto. Sfizioso, raffinato e succulento sarà l’asso nella manica per i vostri menù a base di pesce. #polpo #carpaccio #carpacciodipolpo #piovonoricette
Easy & Healthy No Bake Superfood Brownies🫐​🍫​
These No Bake Superfood Brownies by @helens_vegan_kitchen are sweet, delicious and totally refined sugar, gluten and dairy free 😍​ 🫐Ingredients (makes 10-12) 1.5 cups mixed nuts 12 large, soft medjool dates, pitted 1/2 cup peanut (or almond) butter 3 tbsp raw cacao powder Pinch sea salt 1-2 tbsp water or maple syrup if you want them sweeter Topping ingredients: 4 tbsp melted coconut oil 4 tbsp raw cacoa powder 3 tbsp maple syrup Handful of nuts/seeds/freeze dried berries