
61 Pins
Spectacular Nutella Swirl Easter Bread
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This may contain: two pieces of bread with tomatoes and cream on them sitting on a wooden cutting board
Bruschetta de tomates cherry asados 🍅👨🏻‍🍳
📝 INGREDIENTES (≈5-6 tostas) • Pan para tostar • 400g de tomates cherry • Albahaca fresca • 1 diente de ajo (sin germen) • Aceite de oliva virgen extra • Sal y pimienta negra al gusto
This may contain: two hands reaching for an olive and cheese pizza
The ultimate italian foccacia
A must for an amazing dinner is the italian foccacia. Made with olive oil, salt and whatever topping you want, this recipe is simple and easy to make! You will need: - 420 ml of water-1 tsp of yeast- 1tsp of honey- 1-tsp of olive oil- 2 tsp on salt- 500g of flour. made by @_lacebakes_ on5tiktok #world'sbestbread#breadfromthewold#italianfoccacia#foccacia#bread