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10 Varandas gourmet ou varandinhas para um churrasco - Simples Decoração
Varanda Gourmet-7
Glass Bottle And Pallet Vase • 1001 Pallets
Here is a nice project that was originally not made with repurposed pallets but... why not replacing the white-wood board used for the original project by old pallet planks ? Moreover, glass and wood are two materials that combines very well with each other and we absolutely love this glass... #DIY, #Glass
IDEAS PARA DECORAR TU GALERIA O PORCHE CERRADO Hola Chicas!!! Muchas veces no tenemos idea de como decorar la galería o porche cerrado, aqui te dejo algunas fotografías para que te des una idea de como puedes decorar y aprovechar ese espacio que muchas veces es espacio muerto, tambien es buena idea poner tu oficina ahí, o simplemente una zona para tomar el sol o ver cuando llueve y disfrutar de un rico café.
Home - Today's Gardens, presents beautiful garden and landscape ideas
New Balcony | DIY | Ikea | Europaletten | for warm and cosy days | Runnen | lights | by vanessaesau
24 Utilisations Incroyables de Vieilles Palettes en Bois.
if you had this one, I bet you'll never need to go outside :))) lazy day all along!