
110 Pins
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bowls
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bowl, anyone? Yes, please! Flip the script on the traditional sundae bar and serve ice cream right out of an edible cookie bowl. The secret to success? Just flip the Wilton Ice Cream Cookie Bowl pan over to mold cookie bowls with a scalloped edge. Bonus: Use the cookie bowl pan to bake fun shaped brownies or mini cakes, too!
Cozonac cu Nuca (foarte pufos, pasi simpli) | Retete Laura Adamache
Walnut-Filled Sweet Bread / Cozonac cu nuca - Recipe with pics. in Romanian and English (just scroll down the recipe)
How To Make The Easiest, Most Delicious Chocolate Lava Cakes
How To Make The Easiest, Most Delicious Chocolate Lava Cakes #sweethtooth
Reteta de chec foarte sănătos din fructe uscate. Arata superb și este incredibil de delicios!
Un chec deosebit cu care veți impresiona nu doar pe cei dragi dar și pe oricine vă face o vizită. Este perfect atât pentru o ceașcă de ceai servită seara în familie cât și pentru ocaziile speciale.
Papanasi prajiti - reteta bunicii - Retete culinare Laura Adamache
Papanasi prajiti
Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce Is the Perfect Comfort Food
Pasta with Tomato Cream {Amazing! Add chicken, add shrimp, add nothing, this recipe is SOLID.}
English Muffin Recipe - The Woks of Life
Homemade English Muffins, no offense to Thomas, there is no comparison. This recipe is so #simple and as you're eating this fresh tasting muffin, you'll ask yourself why you waited so long #Englishmuffin
No-Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles - I Heart Naptime
No-bake chocolate chip cookie dough truffles made with no eggs! Love these! #dessert #recipes
Rigó Jancsi (Ree-go Yan-chee), a popular Hungarian creamy chocolate cake named after a famous violin player, who once ordered this cake for his love.