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På MÄLARÖ bord ligger sommarens sådd i fröpåsar och väntar på att få komma i jorden. Frida Eklund Edman, Fridasfina, för Livet Hemma
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Could be even more traditional with repeating squares
Freestanding Trellis
Build a trellis as an outdoor architectural element that becomes more beautiful when intertwined with climbing plants. -- Lowe's Creative Ideas
Trellis, Fence, Privacy Screens, Room Dividers, Gates, Wall Decor
nice fence idea, maybe with bamboo, skrews and rope or twine, maybe even barb wire on the top that ought to keep those pesky deer away ;)
FreeForm Trellis: M230 - Small
pretty up an ugly fence. This makes me think of all those frames I buy from the thrift store. Now that would be a fun trellis