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DIY: Weihnachtsdeko selber machen. Ich zeige dir wie einfach du leuchtende Weihnachtsdeko bastelst.
Katia's Creations
Coppia di abat-jour realizzata assemblando una serie di listelli di legno. Scegliendo il colore adatto è indicata per una camera da letto sia arredata in modo tradizionale che moderno. Gli spazi tra i bastoncini creano un delicato effetto di luci e ombre sulle pareti circostanti. #lamp #lampada #wood #legno #vintage #design #upcycling #recycling #woodlamp #decor #furniture #lighting #illuminazione
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Free Shipping Lovely Lamp made from Japanese by ShozanWoodCarving, ¥21000
Handmade Oak Wooden Sconce - iD Lights
Handmade Oak Wooden Sconce - Wall Lamps & Sconces - SC Sconce Wooden wall lamp with a simple functional design. Soft yellow LED lighting. This lamp has two options: switch is located aside, or with wire. Made of OAK with an accent on natural wood texture. Polished and smoothed by hands using durable safe materials for best resistance, and natural...
L'acier Corten - modernité pour l'intérieur et l'extérieur
Sculpture cube de lumère en acier corten matériaux bruts construction
Garden bollard light / contemporary / metal / halogen GEORGE by Rotorgroup Modular Lighting Instruments
New from KONIC. Sharp edges and cubic forms frame the light in a harmonious ensemble making this bollard light ideal in all environments. Driveway Lights - Pathway Lighting - Bollard & Pole Lights