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Inspiração: Lotus Na literatura clássica asiática, a flor de lótus simboliza elegância, beleza, perfeição, pureza e graça, frequentemente associada aos atributos femininos ideais. A flor de lótus representa um mistério para a ciência, que não consegue explicar a característica própria que possui de repelir microorganismos e partículas de pó.
17 Diagrams That Will Help You Draw (Almost) Anything
How to draw eyes--THE END RESULT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great pigment combination suggestions for BROWN eyes!
This Isn't an Optical Illusion, These Cracked Logs Are Really Bursting with Light
Tasmania-based furniture designer Duncan Meerding loves the outback wilderness, which comes across in his work – his most popular pieces are simple logs whose natural cracks emit soft, warm light. Meerding is also legally blind, so the use of light in his pieces helps him communicate how he sees the world
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Fire Shifters - Beautiful // I have seen a person who can do this, and let me just tell you flatout that it's amazing. Gorgeous to watch. Entrancing.
Kjeragbolten boulder wedged in a mountain crevice in the Kjerag mountains in Norway. #KEEN #take10
Dr. Elsey's Cat Litter - Premium Unscented Cat Litter w/ Natural Ingredients - Low Dust Superior Odor Control Cat Litter - Hard Clumping Moisture Absorbing Clay Multi Cat Litter (For All Cats - 40lbs)
Kawaii cats by sahua d