hand made

51 Pins
Men's button up to women's button up tutorial (or button up peplum top tutorial)
C&C: Men's button up to women's button up tutorial (or button up peplum top tutorial)
Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty - 34 Pics
Dump A Day Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty - 34 Pics
DIY Giant Crepe Paper Rose (Video)
DIY Giant Crepe Paper Rose | www.FabArtDIY.com LIKE Us on Facebook ==> https://www.facebook.com/FabArtDIY
Paper Flower Backdrop - Ash and Crafts
Paper Flower Tutorial with Template - Ashandcrafts.com
8 идеи за новогодишно украсување во домот
Get fancy with your fold~~these are really impressive.
Cute Christmas Decoration DIY - buzznet
Make your own decorative trees. Much cheaper than buying them and you can make them match your decor.
Friendship Knot Pins for Swapping
I know I'll need this guide to starting plastic thread bracelets, because I can never remember. We used to call the stuff 'gimp.'
Refashioned ~~ men's XL dress shirt. Or use these details to resize a too large blouse, shirt, or even a jacket.