web design

10 Pins
CSS ShortHand Property Cheat Sheet - Land-of-Web
CSS Shorthand cheat sheet http://www.land-of-web.com/freebies/css-shorthand-property-cheat-sheet.html
Blog de diseño gráfico, dirección de arte y comunicación visual
http://cosasvisuales.com/ - Booklets - Folder
HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet
HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet
15 Useful HTML5 Tutorials and Cheat Sheets
15 Useful HTML5 Tutorials and Cheat Sheets
CSS3 Simple Shapes - Cheat Sheet - Land-of-Web
CSS3 Simple Shapes cheat sheet.
Infographic Website
HTML 5 Cheetsheet infographic - found at http://infographipedia.com/ social-media-digital-marketing-html5-cheatsheat-infographic-cosa%C2%AC-non-disturbera%C2%B2-pia%C2%B9-rosati_luca-chiedendogli-dettagli-in-merito.html