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NGC 3314 is a pair of overlapping spiral galaxies between 117-140 million light years away in the constellation Hydra
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The glowing eye of NGC 6751
The Glowing Eye of NGC 6751 | ESA/Hubble
Penguin-shaped galaxy poses with galaxy that looks like an egg
Galaxies NGC 2936 + NGC 2937 , Arp 142 du pingouin ou du marsouin dans la constellation de l'Hydre Femelle [ Hya ] Distance (326 millions d' a.l.)
The topsy-turvy galaxy NGC 1313*
Topsy Turvy Galaxy (NGC 1313) : Barred Spiral Galaxy - This very active galaxy located some 20 million light-years away in the constellation Reticulum has many vast regions of star formation. Supershells or regions of gas expanding and etched by successive bursts of star formation are quite evident. The green nebulosities are regions emitting in the ionized oxygen lines and may harbor clusters of very hot stars - Image : © ESO
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Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) 2012 September 30 A Galaxy Collision in NGC 6745 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration ...See More
The Sombrero Galaxy (also known as M104 or NGC 4594) is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo located 28 million light years from Earth. It has a bright nucleus, an unusually large central bulge, and a prominent dust lane in its inclined disk. The dark dust lane and the bulge give this galaxy the appearance of a sombrero.
The Tadpole Galaxy (also known as UGC 10214 or Arp 188) is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy located about 420 million light-years away toward the northern constellation Draco. Its most dramatic features are an incredibly long trail of stars and massive, bright blue star clusters, reflecting the essence of our dynamic, restless and violent Universe. - Credit: NASA, Hubble, Mehdi Bozzo-Rey by carlani
The Hubble Space Telescope Just Snapped Photos of the Biggest Black Hole We've Ever Observed
The Hubble Space Telescope just snapped photos of the biggest black hole we've ever observed
Best Space Photos of the Week - Feb. 17, 2013
Galaxy NGC 772 shows signs of being pulled apart after interacting gravitationally with another galaxy.