
144 Pins
How to Graft and Invisible Seam
Coser laterales. Derecho pieza en punto derecho, se cose cada 2 puntos. Aquí a 1/2 punto del borde
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뜨개하며 참고할 여러가지 팁 : 네이버 블로그
Knitting Instructions
Lots of great illustrations and simple directions for doing shoulder seams, mattress stitch for vertical seams, etc.
Жилет и свитер одним узором спицами
In Russian but Google Translate does a good job. Pattern is charted with very nice illustrations on how to join sections.
Astonishing Estonian Darns
Löcher stopfen - another clever darn for knits from Tom of Holland
Come riparare i buchi nel lavoro a maglia
Come riparare i buchi nei lavori a maglia
The Invisible Mend.
Well, after considerable rummaging I have turned up the directions for the Swiss darning mend mentioned in my last post. I hope you can...
'Swiss darning'; in the example above you can see how to fix a hole in a knitted cloth,
Repairing a hand-knit sock with a knit-in-place patch | Taking Time to Smell the Roses