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КОЛОРАДСКИМ ЖУКАМ - СМЕРТЬ !!! **На ведро воды: горчица сухая 1уп, 9% стол/уксус 100мл -перемешай. Опрыскай этой чудо-жидкостью с распылителем - ботву картофеля, и все места скопления. Пшик - и сдох... Жуков не будет! *Проверим?
Теплые грядки - Садоводка
Natural Garden Pest Control
Natural Garden Pest Control- You really need to be careful introducing non native bugs into your area. Asian Ladybugs were brought here they are NOT the same as our old fashioned ladybugs! They bite, emit a foul smelling toxin have no predators. My house fills up with them in the fall. I got that poison on me rubbed my eyes... had a horrible allergic reaction. I was finally put on steroids.
Best Vegetable Mulch: Learn About Mulch For Vegetable Plants
Best Vegetable Mulch: Learn About Mulch For Vegetable Plants - Organic and inorganic mulches are available as vegetable garden mulch options. But which is the best vegetable mulch? Learn the different types in this article and their attributes to help you make an informed decision on mulch for vegetable plants. - vienot savējos lielām lietām!
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