Essential Oil Recipes

DIY Natural Products with Essential Oils
704 Pins
3 Sections
All Natural Citrus Oil Recipe for Body Care, Aromatherapy & more!
Nobody ever told me you could make all natural homemade citrus oils at home for body care and more!
DIY Lemon Oil Benefits & How to Make
There are so many surprising benefits of lemon oil for beauty skin care and more! Thats why you should learn how to make lemon oil at home! Recipe provided!
Best Essential Oil for Sagging Skin
What are the best essential oils for sagging skin? If you have sagging skin on your belly, arms or face, these are the best essential oils for skin tightening
Homemade Essential Oil - Lemon, Lime, Citrus
How to make essential oil at home - citrus oils are the easiest to make! Citrus fruits include lemon, lime, orange, mandarin, pomelo, grapefruit, mandarin and more! You can use any citrus fruit to make your own citrus oils! Scroll down to see recipes on how to make lemon oll,
How to Make Citrus Oil at Home - Orange Oil, Lemon Oil, Lime Oil
Did you know you can make your own aromatic, potent DIY citrus oils at home? Citrus oils carry many benefits for skin care, hair care & culinary use.
What is the best oil for skin tightening, sagging skin, wrinkles and anti-aging? It’s this one!
Essential Oils for Skin Tightening
What is the best oil for skin tightening, sagging skin, wrinkles and anti-aging? It’s this one!
19 Beauty Benefits of Peppermint Oil DIY Recipes & More
Are there any beauty benefits of peppermint oil? Yes of course! Check out 19 amazing benefits of this minty oil for beautiful skin, hair & more!
How to Grow Hair Faster with Essential Oils
The most potent natural remedies for thinning hair and for hair growth are these essential oils!
18 Benefits of Rosemary Oil for Hair, Skin & More
Scientific research back up the benefits of rosemary oil for hair, skin & more. DIY recipes of rosemary oil included!
Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits
18 Beauty Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil for Skin & Hair
18 Beauty Benefits of Rosemary Oil for Hair, Skin & More!
There are so many versatile beauty benefits of rosemary essential oil, from stimulating hair growth, to natural deodorant, clearing acne, oil control, cellulite removal and more!...
How to Use Essential Oils for Under Eye Wrinkles & Crow’s Feet
Nobody believes my Grandma is 70 years old ever since she started using these potent essential oils for wrinkles around her eyes and whole face. Peoperly dilute the right essential oil in an anti-aging carrier oil like rosehip oil and apply gently to your skin!
18 Beauty Benefits of Rosemary Oil for Skin, Hair & More!
Best Sleep Ever! 6 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Sleep
The real reason I bought my first essential oil diffuser was actually to help with sleep! Since then I've been using a number of soothing essential oil diffuser blends for sleep...
How to Balance Hormones with Geranium Oil
Geranium oil, which smells totally gorgeous, is actually wonderful for solving female reproductive health problems. In this post, let’s look at how to balance hormones with geranium oil.