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:::: PINTEREST.COM christiancross :::: Egypt Aswan. +++ 2 ASSES
Islamic Cairo
عيش في شوارع مصر القديمة selling bread in Islamic Cairo | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
EL Copto Muallaqa (El Cairo - Egipto) De La Iglesia Foto de archivo - Imagen de mujer, pintura: 8443500
Coptic Church (Cairo - Egypt)
The Lighthouse of Alexandria
The Lighthouse of Alexandria. Built between 280 and 247 BC on the island of Pharos to guide sailors into the port of Alexandria (Egypt).
Royalty-Free Stock Photos, Creative Images & Vectors | News, Fashion, and Entertainment imagery - Getty Images
Sufi Dancers (Twirling Dervishes) Cairo, Egypt
The Pyramids You Never Knew Existed
Sudan's Meroe Pyramids Are Just As Spectacular As The Ones You'll Find In Egypt
Martin Munkácsi - Beduin, Egypt, 1929
Beduin, Egypt, 1929 photo by Hungarian photographer Martin Munkácsi
July Been there competition: transport - in pictures
Winning photograph by Andrew Kerr: Luxor, Egypt: As soon as the balloons came close to landing the local children started following them. The juxtaposition of ancient animal transport and modern tourist balloon a few feet away was too good to miss. It was an awkward shot as I was in a balloon myself, but for a second or two everything was in the right position.