
78 Pins
The Palace of Culture, Iasi - the city that, for many years was the cultural backbone of Romanian society and which gave us people such as Brătianu, Petre Carp, Spiru Haret, Kogalniceanu, Ionel Teodoreanu, not to mention Creanga and Eminescu.
”Off the map for many American tourists, Romania’s Transylvania is full of authentic Old World charm” says a popular US traveler journalist, naming it the number one destination for tourism in 2015.
Palas Iasi, in Cartea Recordurilor pentru cele mai multe lampioane ...
Красивейшие библиотеки со всего мира. Мечта книгомана
These Romanians are crazy
One of our favorite cities in Romania (and on earth): Iasi!
Ăsta-i stilul nostru, asta-i frumusețea sufletului românesc! Mâncare, muzică și decor în spirit tradițional | Adela Pârvu - Interior design blogger
Traditional Romanian wood stove - despre restaurant tranditional romanesc La Conac, Iasi, Romania (1)