
10 Pins
Michal Maciej Bartosik
Michal Maciej Bartosik has created two new floating compression lights that are based on two of Kenneth Snelson‘s sculptures: ‘Needle Tower’ and ‘City Boots’.
Tensegrity Space Frame Lights by Michal Maciej Bartosik
Tensegrity Space Frame Lights by Michal Maciej Bartosik
First-Place Winner of Santiago Landmark Competition: Smiljan Radic + Gabriela Medrano + Ricardo Serpell
First-Place Winner of Santiago Landmark Competition: Smiljan Radic + Gabriela Medrano + Ricardo Serpell | ArchDaily
Kenneth Snelson
The right and left helixes necessary in connecting tensegrity modules together. An explanation of the relationships between weaving and tensegrity by Kenneth Snelson. Found via @Marcela Caldas
Innovative Prototyping @ Dynamic Fields – Responsive Architecture Workshop Results
Innovative Prototyping @ Dynamic Fields – Responsive Architecture Workshop Results
Students of Ball State Construct Parametric Tensegrity Structure for Local Art Fair
A group of architecture students from Ball State University, together with professors Gernot Riether and Andrew Wit, have transformed a post-industrial