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5 Ways For Busy Moms to Decompress at Home
If you’re a busy mom struggling to come up with a restorative nighttime routine (aside from a nice Merlot), this one’s for you! #decompressforbusymoms #busymoms #parenting #bigfamilyparenting #busymomsroutine #relaxationbeforebed #relaxationformoms #momrelaxationideas #momrelaxationtips
What’s your favorite thing to do when relaxing in a bad? I always have music playing softly just meditating 🍃• • • Feature by…
Rose Infused Milk Bath and A Galentine's Day Event - Zoë With Love
Zoe With Love creates a rose infused milk bath, perfect for pampering and treating yourself to some me time.
Le duplex parisien de Pierre Bergé par Cédric Saint André Perrin - Alain.R.Truong
The Parisian duplex of Pierre Bergé - The Library - Welcoming the collection of antique books of Pierre Bergé, the library, preexisting in the apartment, was repainted in false wood, by Studio Peregalli. The decorators imagined a door covered with books in trompe l'oeil, overhung by a (real) plaster bust of Victor Hugo.