
130 Pins
Puppen & Miniaturen - Etsy.de
Osterhasen/Paar im Landhaus-Stil von Feinerlei auf DaWanda.com
Passarinhos de feltro e tecido
Pastel Felt Finches and fabric. Small ones would make great hair clips!
Laboratorio delle Fate: NonSoloPortaTelecomando. Não tem molde, mas não é difícil ver como fazer. Amei o gato, mas talvez faça com um cachorrinho.
Felt Matryoshka Nesting Doll Ornament
Felt Circle Pillow | Whats Ur Home Story
DIY Felt Circles Pillow tutorial at www.whatsurhomestory.com
Browse Popular All Time | DeviantArt
i need some diy meringues! :P
Making Napkins with Mitered Corners- Sew and NO SEW
Homemade Napkins with mitered corners... aha, this is the best way.
Spring neutrals - Lilly Style
White jeans, brown belt, pastel top, statement necklace--perfect transition into Spring outfit!