Tanks & Vehicles

14 Pins
Roller, Rasmus Poulsen
Roller, Rasmus Poulsen on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QoY2d?utm_campaign=digest&utm_medium=email&utm_source=email_digest_mailer
ArtStation - Explore
Сoncept armored personnel carrier, Eduard Pronin on ArtStation at http://www.artstation.com/artwork/oncept-armored-personnel-carrier
A vehicle, Aaron Wake
A vehicle, Aaron Meng on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ODPKw
3dtotal is undergoing a refresh
M130 Abrams, 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade by Amin Akhshi
05 by StTheo on DeviantArt
some more sketches as people asked for them. was part of a mini project called the 05 a gun boat and the armored scout unit cheers for looking peace
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Tank Drone by TugoDoomER on DeviantArt
Art by Khazykov Vasily* • Blog/Website | (http://tugodoomer.deviantart.com) ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES™ (https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & https://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh) • Love Character Design? Join the #CDChallenge (link→ https://www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge) Share your unique vision of a theme, promote your art in a community of over 50.000 artists! || ★
ArtStation - Explore
Bounty Hacker - Machine concept, Nick Carver on ArtStation at http://www.artstation.com/artwork/bounty-hacker-machine-concept-a3d8b431-d83a-48e7-af90-2370355d44c5
ArtStation - Explore
Personal work, wyman zhang on ArtStation at http://www.artstation.com/artwork/personal-work-96d5c04f-0c0c-4eaf-aab5-d41ac807729b
PLANETSIDE 2 Pre-Viz: 2A1 Prowler by ukitakumuki on DeviantArt
PLANETSIDE 2 Pre-Viz: 2A1 Prowler by ukitakumuki.deviantart.com on @deviantART