Cooking stuff

306 Pins
Couve flor ao molho pesto! 😋😋 Ingredientes: 1 couve flor médio 6 tomates cereja 50gr de queijo parmesão ralado 200gr de muçarela fresca Molho pesto: Bata no liquidificador ou mixer: 1/2 xícara de azeite extravirgem 1 punhado de nozes 3 dentes de alho 50gr de queijo parmesão ralado 1 punhado de manjericão Pimenta negra e sal a gosto Corte o couve flor em fatias grossas, e leve para uma assadeira forrada com papel manteiga. Pincele o molho pesto em cada fatia. Leve ao forno pré aquecido e...
Balls: 6 rice cakes, 3 tbsp nut butter, 5-6 dates, 1 banana. Topping: 4 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 1/3 tsp cinnamon, choice of sweetener, pinch of salt.  #RiceCakeTruffles #SweetTreats #DessertLovers #HomemadeGoodness #HealthySnacks #NoBakeDesserts #GourmetSnacks #FoodieFavorites #InstaFood #Yummy #SnackTime #ChocolateLovers #TreatYourself #FoodPhotography #DeliciousBites
Rice Cake Truffles
Balls: 6 rice cakes, 3 tbsp nut butter, 5-6 dates, 1 banana. Topping: 4 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 1/3 tsp cinnamon, choice of sweetener, pinch of salt. #RiceCakeTruffles #SweetTreats #DessertLovers #HomemadeGoodness #HealthySnacks #NoBakeDesserts #GourmetSnacks #FoodieFavorites #InstaFood #Yummy #SnackTime #ChocolateLovers #TreatYourself #FoodPhotography #DeliciousBites
Garlic Parmesan Roasted Green Beans
20min · 4 servings Ingredients: • 1 – 1½ lbs. green beans • 2 Tbsp avocado oil (or olive oil) • 6 garlic cloves • ¼ cup grated parmesan • ½ tsp salt* • ½ tsp black pepper • Lemon, to squeeze over the top (optional)
This may contain: honey balsami roasted carrots with goat cheese
MUST-MAKE recipe for fall! (Carrots are by far my favorite roasted veggie & this recipe is SO GOOD!👌🏻) Fresh carrots, garlic & thyme are tossed in a rich honey balsamic glaze then roasted until tender & crispy!🤤 They’re so simple yet loaded with flavor!🤗 . What you’ll need: Carrots Balsamic vinegar Honey Garlic Avocado oil (or olive oil) Dried thyme Salt Black pepper Goat cheese (optional)
ПАСТА С ЛОСОСЕМ 🍣 Ингредиенты: Сыр сливочный Помидоры черри Шпинат Красная рыба Соль и перец. (Количество ингредиентов по вкусу) ✔️Отправить в разогретую духовку на 20 минут, температура 180 градусов. 🍝Пока все запекается, нужно сварить любимые макароны до состояния аль денте. Готово. После выпечки переложите готовые макароны в форму и перемешайте. Видел предоставлено: @ratundalova #рецепты #пп #еда #вкусно #ппрецепты #правильноепитание #food #зож #москва #худеемвместе #рецепт #здоров...
This may contain: a person is cutting up salmon in a dish with a wooden spoon on the side
Salmon Pasta 🍣🍝✨ Make Healthy Food Recipes ✨ Food Recipe | Healthy Food Ideas
Salmon Pasta 🍣🍝 (via: @eleni.fit_) Ingredients: 2 pieces salmon 4 cups fresh spinach 3 tomatoes 3/4 cups herb cream cheese light salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano 1 tbsp olive oil Directions: Bake in the oven at 390°F for about 20 min. Enjoy🫶 Follow @makehealthyfoodrecipes to discover delicious & healthy recipes for every meal 😋😋
Healthy Chocolate Banana Bread (Oil-free)
Healthy chocolate banana bread is the perfect recipe to make when you have extra bananas. Oil free, dairy free and gluten free, this moist chocolate banana bread tastes like a fudgy brownie. But healthy! #MilkAlternativesExplored
This may contain: someone cutting up raw chicken on a wooden board with tomatoes and lemons in the background
BEST High protein CEASAR SALAD 😍😋👌🏼
#easyrecipe #tagesrezept #salad #dinnerideas #highprotein #chicken #food #foodie #fyp #foryou #einfacherezepte #healthylifestyle
This may contain: an avocado, bread, and eggs are on a cutting board next to the stove