Pattern Making

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Bust Shaping Considerations at Balenciaga
Bust Shaping Considerations at Balenciaga | The Cutting Class. Once seam line is moved from princess line through bust point, other options include dior darts and easing.
GRADING for the FASHION INDUSTRY A practical reference book for students, teachers and professionals and provides a comprehensive system of grading which incorporates all the essential size, style and balance increments and techniques of adjusting garment lengths and style features. Step-by-step illustrated diagrams and easy clear dialogue make this book easy to use. With additional info on stretch fabrics, batch sizing and more casual styles. Paperback - perfect bind - 8x 2, 214p, UK $42.00
Darts on a bodice
Darts on a bodice
Moldes Moda por Medida
Blusa FáCil De Fazer-54
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