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Solar Pool Heater Comprehensive Guide & Reviews of Best Products
Brighton_Earthship_entrance - Passive solar/greenhouse Facade that could perhaps be added to an ordinary home
Mother Earth Living | Natural Home, Healthy Life
A Sociable, Passive Solar Home and Kitchen Designed around a large, people-friendly kitchen area, this passive solar home in Asheville, North Carolina, really shines.
Moon to Moon
I am intrigued, lost in an old dream of the front of a place I used to live . . . ahhh!
13 Brilliant Ideas For Decorating Your Walls With Air Plants
Decorating your home's wall with air plants isn't an easy task, you should take many things into consideration. You should provide a healthy environment for your plants, while keeping your wall decorated in a way that suites your entire home decoration theme. There are many ideas for decorating walls with air plants. We picked the following 13 ideas of wall air plants display, which will inspire you in your decoration mission.
HTM high thermal mass sustainable, passive solar, green home tips
HTM's are passive solar, thermal mass, sustainable design, house plans featuring earthtubes, surface bonding, dry stack with concrete block (or poured-in-place). They are much more functional than any strawbale, papercrete, cob, or earth bag alternative method.
Šilumos kaupiklis - 10,000L vandens statinė namuose. Vidutiniškai 22 laipsniai šilumos ištisus metus iš saulės kolektorių. More
Earthships are an environmentally friendly architectural system pioneered by…
Florence earthship part of Bitterroot Green Homes Tour
Indoor sun room/walkway/entryway. Could use grey water to keep the plants. Great idea for growing food.