tea time

146 Pins
The Shortest Day (the first of winter) - Hither & Thither
The Shortest Day (the first of winter) Photo
After a marathon-like day yesterday this is the only movement I am capable of today.. literally everything hurts at once . #whpmovement . Ill be here pouring endless cups of tea and hugging my foam roller if you need me. Have a lovely weekend #naughtyteas #mycozywindow . . . . . . #teaandseasons #vogueliving #embrasingtheseasons #bookwormproblems #seasonspoetry #winterhygge #hyggehome #iamwellandgood #boholiving #ourclickdays #throughmywindow #finallyfriday #mycozywindow #warmandcozy #my
This Ivy House
< 3 Rosie Lee/ Pouring tea for Emerson...
pantry & table
honey tea / morning and food styling