
"And the woodcutter took up a loaf of bread for his children and took them deep into the forrest." *I want this picture in my house
Top 10 Book-Story Magical Places on Earth
Old Mill, Black Forest, Germany. I would LOVE to go there and paint that!
Why not let the Son shine on through? "Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?" ― Benjamin Franklin
| December Wonder | “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods. . . .” ~ George Gordon Byron
Broceliande - le hêtre de Ponthus (3)
GREEN MOSS la belle nature il faut la preserver on peut vivre avec elle :) Warter
EyeKandy Handmade Jewelry
Thoughts of new beginnings. ✯ Footpath through the Wild Garlic - Milton Wood Somerset, England
Forest walk
Sylvan - adj. Related to the woods, wooded. n. One who inhabits or frequents the woods. A.Word.A.Day (January 6, 2011)
the rich colors of fall reflect the bounty of the Goddess and in all things, beauty and decay, life and death, hand in hand
Magical Forest : Tumblr by Our Amazing World. Reminds me of Alice In Wonderland.
Forest Trail, Plitvice, Croatia.
Forest Trail, Plitvice, Croatia. This looks like it should be in a fairy tale book!