Casa hobbit

44 Pins
Shut up and take my money...
Let's just move away from everyone and live in a hole in the ground. Not a nasty, wet hole, but a Hobbit hole...and that means comfort.
Cob Building Systems – Foundations and Walls
Different foundation options, different wall building styles, LOTS more information
What is SuperAdobe? — CalEarth
I am becoming super enamored with superadobe! Seismically stable, as well as resistant to hurricane, flood, tornado and fire; high thermal mass... Yes there is plastic, but there is no deforestation involved.
teds-woodworking.... The wife will love this when I make it myself More
Sandbag Shelters
Sandbags are filled with sand and earth and stacked to form walls. Cal-Earth Institute has designed housing for locations ravaged by war or natural disasters. They have looked towards traditional earth brick buildings as inspiration for these structures.
A finales de los años setenta el iraní Nader Khalili desarrolló el “super adobe”, una técnica de construcción utilizando sacos con tierra y alambre de púas, las casas hechas con esta técnica son a prueba de seísmos, rápidas de construir, poco contaminantes y casi no necesitan ni calefacción ni refrigeración, gracias a la tierra en inspiro en el desierto de su Iran natal y en las antiguas técnicas de construcción con tierra tan comunes en medio oriente, desde hace milenios.
Earthbag Homes: Cheap and Easy to Build!
Earthbag Homes Cheap and Easy to Build!
Modular Solar Domes
There’s lots of demand for solar homes, earth sheltered homes, super energy efficient, low cost/ do-it-yourself designs and domes. This design combines all these features. The main living dome in this stellar design is flooded with light and ventilation through a 12’ south facing arched window wall. Plexiglass skylight and ferrocement eyebrow windows (optional) provide …
Casa feita somente com recursos naturais e gastando quase nada
Pipe under seating for heat Mais
Earthbag Earthship Costa Rica
sustainable earthbag homes | There is no area of life needing dramatic change more than the way ...